To fix Yahoo not receiving emails, make sure to check your internet connection. An incompatible browser can also cause such issues to occur. Hence optimize your browser by clearing all the cache, cookies, and history from the browser. There are possibilities that antivirus or firewalls are blocking Yahoo from receiving mails; hence make sure to disable them temporarily to get the issues fixed.
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Fix It When Yahoo Mail Is Not Receiving Emails
These solutions should apply to all versions of Yahoo Mail running on the web or mobile devices.
Check your spam folder. Yahoo's automatic bulk-mail filter does a decent job of making sure unwanted emails don't get to your inbox, but it makes mistakes occasionally. You should check the spam folder to see if the email(s) you're expecting accidentally ended up there.
If you find non-spam emails in the bulk folder, be sure to safe list the senders to make sure their messages get through alright in the future.
Take a look at your filters. Yahoo Mail includes a feature that helps you automatically sort messages as soon as they arrive. It's a convenient feature, but like spam, it's possible that a filter you set up could grab emails you don't intend it to.
Before you hunt through all of your folders, check the Filters section in your Yahoo Mail settings. Doing so will help you identify and fine-tune the rules you've set up if any problems exist. You can also check your filters to see which folders they use to help narrow down your search.
Look for a "Reply-to" address. One feature of Yahoo Mail lets you specify a different email address for your recipients to reply to. If you set one, their replies won't go to your Yahoo inbox, even if you sent them from that account. Check the Mailboxes section of your settings to make sure all of your messages are going where you want them to.
I hope this information will be helpful!
Mark Wilson