There are no “good” foods and “bad” foods. Rather, it’s your overall dietary pattern that matters most when it comes to healthful eating.
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That’s the main message from the American Heart Association in its latest nutrition guidelines to improve the hearts and health of Americans of all ages and life circumstances.
The experts who wrote the guidelines recognise that people don’t eat nutrients or individual ingredients. They eat foods, and most people want to enjoy the foods they eat while staying within their budgets and, the association hopes, without injuring their bodies.
This doesn’t mean you need to totally avoid Big Macs, Cokes and French fries, but it does mean you should not regularly indulge in such fare if you want to stay healthy.
Dr Robert H Eckel, a former president of the American Heart Association, and an endocrinologist and lipid specialist at the University of Colorado Denver, told me he “occasionally” indulges in foods outside a wholesome dietary pattern. The operative word here, though, is “occasionally.”
Dr Neil J Stone, a preventive cardiologist at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, who praised the thoughtfulness and expertise of the guidelines committee, said in an interview, “There’s no such thing as one diet that fits all, but there are principles to form the basis of diets that fit everyone.”
He added: “The goal is to make good nutrition possible for all. The healthier we can keep everybody in this country, the lower our health costs will be.”